This supportive discipline thing is super easy when students welcome your encouragement and cooperate with your guidance. So far, so good. But improbable as it may seem, some students are unwilling to accept responsibility and to work through behavior issues. They argue, ignore and interrupt. Some may even refuse to participate in a discussion about their actions. Now what?
In this one-day training session, Larry Thompson, nationally known author and creator of Responsibility-Centered Discipline, will take you on a deep dive into strategies for being successful with all students – including Level 2 and Level 3 students (those who are not cooperative and who are not really interested in moving forward). Incorporating the principles of a responsibility-centered approach, attendees will explore the importance of autonomy, mastery and purpose when working with a student during a challenging moment. Larry Thompson will discuss how listening for the exits that are taking a student off the road to responsibility is important to understanding what is driving a student’s behavior. Attendees will learn how the Response-Ability Process and In-School Solutions provide vital tools for helping Level 2 and Level 3 students stay in the classroom – where they can succeed academically.
With today’s increased focus on academic success, measurable outcomes, trauma-informed practices and equity, how educators handle all students can often be the difference between success or failure.
Avoiding Responsibility for Behavior
Coaching Classroom Behavior
Working with difficult, demanding and disruptive students is not a new challenge for educators. However teachers and administrators are voicing concerns about the changing nature and intensity of these behaviors — especially in the wake of the Covid pandemic which impacted students in ways that we are only beginning to understand. Some educators report increases in manipulative and hostile behaviors while others are noticing more students who are difficult to engage and suffering from extreme anxiety. Even master educators can sometimes be “thrown off their games” by certain students.
In this popular one-day seminar, nationally recognized thought leader Larry Thompson will help attendees understand the Six Exits that students take off the road to responsibility: Benefit, Emotional Control, Clear Expectations, Consistency, Leading the Moment and ResponseAbility. If left unchecked, these exits will negatively impact a student’s academic growth and performance. Using this knowledge, Larry guides you in coaching students to achieve self-responsibility and success in school and in life.
Responsibility-Centered Discipline is designed to assist all educators with identifying and addressing challenging student behaviors that affect the academic and behavioral progress of the students with whom they work. This power-packed seminar will provide you with up-to-date insights and strategies for reaching and helping those young people who seem to evoke the strongest feelings of frustration, hurt, and sometimes discouragement in professional educators.
For maximum benefit, it is recommended you bring a team of 3 or more educators to this seminar. In case of an emergency, another equally qualified presenter will substitute.
7:30 – 8:30 am | Check In/Light Refreshments |
8:30 am | The Paradigm Shift in School Discipline
10:30 am | Closing the Exits off the Road to Responsibility
12:00 – 1:00 pm | Lunch (on your own) |
1:00 pm | Give ‘em Five™ Conversations
2:30 pm | Becoming a Master of Challenging Moments with Students
Register early and save! Groups of 20+, call 1-800-251-6805 for special pricing. Program Fees: The early bird discount fee is $149. If form is postmarked or faxed after the early bird deadline, the regular registration fee of $189 will apply. This fee includes refreshments and handouts, but does not include meals, hotel room or parking fees. Group Discount: When 3 or more people register together from the same school district or agency, each participant is entitled to a $25 discount off their registration fee. For 10 or more attendees registering together, each participant is entitled to a $40 discount. To receive a group discount, all participants in the group must register at the same time and have a group representative as the contact person. Hotel Accommodations: In some seminar hotels, a block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at a group discount if possible. Please reserve your hotel room early and ask for the Defiant Students or AccuTrain rate. Concerns or Special Accommodations: Should you have any concerns, call us at 800-267-5053. If you require special accommodations due to a disability, please call or email us at at least 2 weeks prior to the seminar. Cancellation Policy: All cancellations incur a $20 administrative fee and must be received in writing or electronically seven days prior to seminar. No refunds will be issued on cancellations received after that date. Substitutions are welcome at any time. Developmental Resources reserves the right to cancel any seminar in the event of insufficient registration, in which case a full refund will be returned. If for any reason the seminar is not held, AccuTrain’s liability is limited to a refund of the registration fee paid. Certificates: Certificates of Completion for this seminar, which indicate 6 Contact Hours of Continuing Education, will be available upon the completion of the seminar and a course evaluation. Please note that Accutrain is an approved Continuing Education Provider for: National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC#5602): AccuTrain is an approved provider for Continuing Education by the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC #5602). |
Early Bird pricing deadline April Friday, April 4, 2025.
Early Bird pricing deadline April Friday, April 4, 2025.
Early Bird pricing deadline April Friday, April 4, 2025.
Larry Thompson, M, Ed.
*In case of an emergency, another qualified presenter will substitute
A recognized thought leader on supportive and non-exclusionary discipline practices, Larry Thompson, M.Ed., is often called upon to deliver keynote presentations for state and national education conferences because of his knowledge, humor and passion for assisting today’s students. He has helped thousands of educators and schools throughout North America break away from their traditional discipline models to a model that creates a responsible climate and responsible students. Larry has served in a wide variety of roles in education – from special education teacher to alternative and traditional high school principal. As creator of the Responsibility-Centered Discipline program, Larry understands that systems must be created that can be realistically implemented and sustained. He is the author of Give ’em Five (Elementary & Secondary) and Roadmap
to Responsibility.
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